Position Statement of Diabetes Australia endorses Low Carbohydrate eating for people with Diabetes
Diabetes Australia:- "There are 1.7 million Australians living with all types of diabetes and every person is unique. That means everyone manages their diabetes in slightly different ways.
"One part of living with diabetes everyone has to think about is what they eat. We believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to food and diabetes and that’s why people should talk to a qualified health professional to develop an approach that suits them.
"For many people in Australia’s diabetes community that means adopting a low carb approach. We acknowledge that a low carb approach can be great for some people and we support people who choose to do this. That’s why we developed a position statement to help people make an informed decision about what is best for them.
"The Australian Dietary Guidelines are a good starting point for all Australians, but we always recommend that people with diabetes talk to their diabetes healthcare team and get *individualised advice*
"The Guidelines are now seven years old and there has been plenty of new research since then. We are pleased the NHMRC has announced a review of the Guidelines, taking into account the best available evidence from leading experts
"Diabetes Australia will be contributing to ensure we get the best possible dietary guidelines for people with diabetes."
Full Text PDF in the below link: